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Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Kids will be kids

I sometimes write up things that the kids have done, and recently found this. I wrote it about 3 years ago, maybe a little more (Courtney is almost 6 now), yet re-reading it still made me giggle.

I think my 6 year old has decided to become a politician when he`s older. Here's a little story from last Thursday:

I woke up, after an hours sleep, at 6am. Opened my eyes to see a bright red 2 year old. She'd managed to get hold of a thick waterproof marker pen, and was covered from top to toe in scribbles.

After rubbing my eyes, I looked closer, and saw the name KYLE (my 6 year old) written across her tummy. So as a good mother, I did my bit of ranting and raving, and asked Kyle why he was writing his name on her tummy. He looked at me with beautifully innocent eyes (as I was walking into the other bedroom) and said 'Wow mum! I didn't know she was THAT clever!'

Trying my hardest not to giggle, I was suddenly faced with bright red marker on the bedroom walls, some of it low down (where a 2 year old can reach) and some a bit higher (where a 2 year old can't reach). Up on the high bit, what do I see? The name KYLE in great big letters.

Immediately, Kyle looks at me and says 'Oh MY! One of the other kids musta written that, and Courtney`s copied it to her tummy!! She really IS good mum!'

Needless to say, the 2 older kids (10 and 13) were fast asleep in their beds and didn`t have a clue as to what was going on...lol


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